lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2009

Una and the Lion

“Una and the Lion”
Artist: Briton Riviere (1840 - 1920)
Art style: Currently not assigned to an art style.
Work: Una and the Lion, from Spenser's Faerie Queene (1880)
Size: 152 x 107 cm (59,9 x 41,9 inches)
Technique: oil on canvas
Location: London, Private Collection

Based on “The Faerie Queene”, an incomplete English epic poem by Edmund Spenser, we have “Una and the lion”, painted by the artist Briton Riviere, who was born in England on August 14, 1840. He was specialized in animal paintings, most f them lions, leopards and dogs.

The short story is this one: Red Cross is a knight who is searching Christian sanctification, that is represent by the two virtues that Edmund Spenser believes are the most important: Chastity and Holiness. Red Cross is representative of the virtue of holiness. He wants to be with Una, a beautiful woman who represents Truth. On his way, Red Cross mistakes falsehood for Truth in the character Duessa, who attempts to get Red Crosse to leave Una.
And the story goes on, and on…

This is an interesting poem for me, but not necessary to make me feel what I felt when I first saw “Una and the lion”. I can honestly say that at the beginning I chose other painting to make this assignment, but then, I saw this painting and I knew it, I knew that this was THE painting for ME.

For me, this image is more than a beautiful woman of white walking with a Lion and the little lamb through these woods. For me the painting represents protection, kindness, honesty, and love. Also I have to say that I love animals, I don’t understand why people kill animals, but that is not my point; my point is that in the moment that I saw the painting I felt in peace.

Looking at this image I can imagine the painter who was sitting in his chair, in some opened space. He was wearing pants and a white shirt. He was around 39 years old. He was thinking about Una, maybe he was in love with her. He probably wanted to be the knight of her heart; with all the virtues she could ever imagines. But in reality, he was in love with the story, with the poem, as I am with the painting.

I have never seen a painting with such a meaning for me. I think also the technique influenced on what I felt. The places of the characters, the expressions of them, the light coming from the left top and the giant trees that are in the back are things that I think the artist put them with a reason; to stand out the pure of Una and the protection that she needs.

Photographer: Carolina Castellanos Velasco
Idea: Alejandra Castellanos Velasco
Date: september 06th 2009
Models : Alejandra Castellanos Velasco (girl) , Bummer (dog).

As I said before, when I saw “Una and the Lion” I felt protected, and I spontaneously thought in my dog. When I am with him, I am myself, is the real me, I can’t be more honest if it is not with him.
My dog is one of my best friends, he knows how I feel when I am with him, and he will be always for me; just be one day with someone who listens to you every time and it will be the same.
If you see closer you will see that he knows what I’m thinking, and in “Una and the Lion” the Lion knows what Una is feeling.

The image represents my way of escape.

Another image...

“No more loneliness”

Photographer: Carolina Castellanos Velasco

Idea: Alejandra Castellanos Velasco

Date: september 06th 2009

Models : Alejandra Castellanos Velasco (girl) , Bummer (dog).